Course curriculum
Module 1 - Understanding your limerence
Introduction from Dr. David Perl, the quit limerence doctor and founder of
My story of limerence and what led me to be interested in this condition
What is limerence and why do some of us get it?
Journaling, Mindfulness and Meditation
Human attraction, desire and the human shadow
Module 2 - Going deeper into what we know
What can we learn from other addictions and complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (cPTSD)?
Emotions, feelings, thoughts and behaviours
The neuroscience behind limerence
Codependency and Love Addiction
The Drama Triangle and its role in our limerence
Growing Self Awareness and the power of the unconscious
Module 3 - Making changes with some immediate strategies
Going No Contact (NC) or Low Contact (LC)
To disclose or not to disclose?
Do I disclose to my SO?
The myth of the soul mate and the unconscious
Changing habits
Module 4 - Day to day life and other challenges
Building a safety net
Therapy and therapists - some guidance.
Falling off the wagon
Coming out about your limerence and Shame
Setting objectives and being SMART
Attachment in relationships
Is there a connection between limerence and Autism spectrum Disorder?
Wrapping up and further reading